National Merit Scholarship

National Merit Scholarship

National Merit Scholarships are sponsored by three different entities. Scholarships are sponsored by National Merit, a corporation, or by a university. National Merit selects the scholarships they will be sponsoring, corporations select the scholarships they will be sponsoring and then a list is sent to each university listing everyone else who listed that school as their first-choice school. BYU evaluates the list and selects the students they want to sponsor.



  • If you are a National Merit finalist, have listed BYU as your first-choice school, and qualify to receive a multi-year scholarship, it is possible you would receive a BYU-sponsored National Merit Scholarship which pays full LDS tuition for eight semesters; however, it is not guaranteed.
  • For a student to be selected as a recipient of a BYU-sponsored National Merit Scholarship, they must initially qualify for a Russell M. Nelson Scholarship or a Heritage Scholarship. If the student is a recipient of one of these two scholarships, is a National Merit finalist with BYU as the first-choice school and is not being sponsored by National Merit or by a corporation, BYU would then select them as a National Merit Scholar.
  • If a student is being sponsored by National Merit or a corporation, they would not be eligible to receive a BYU-sponsored National Merit Scholarship.


Freshman student scholarships will now include consideration of non-academic factors, including financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Fall 2024: Dec 15, 2023

Spring 2024: Dec 15, 2023

Summer 2024: Dec 15, 2023

Winter 2025: Aug 1, 2024



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