Meet Robert Ross, a black man dating Bill Gates’ youngest daughter

Bill Gates’ youngest daughter

The youngest daughter of world-famous  billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, Phoebe Gates, is currently dating social media ‘lucky’ man Robert Ross.

Although he receives a lot of online criticism, he has an amazing resume that qualifies him as the partner of Bill Gates’ 20-year-old daughter.

These Robert Ross-related details are interesting.

Robert graduated from Stanford University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

From the same esteemed university, he pursued a Master of Science in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity.

Robert was a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity at Stanford and served in a variety of roles for the organisation.He served as the president, director of diversity and inclusion, and director of recruitment in 2019.

Robert worked as a full-time associate product manager at Google following his graduation from the private university in California. The Stanford alumnus co-founded Lume in January 2023. Lume is an AI platform that “helps engineering teams build and maintain custom data integrations with no code.”

Despite the fact that he is not the only black person dating one of Bill Gates’ children, social media reports revealed that some internet users were profiling him because he is black.

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