Three serious things couples do, that can ruin their relationship

Maintaining a healthy and happy relationship requires effort and commitment from both partners.However, some common behaviours can lead to serious consequences and even ruin the relationship.In this article, we will discuss three serious things that couples do that can damage their relationship and provide insights on how to avoid them.Communication breakdown: A couple’s relationship can be … Read more

Akyeke, a local delicacy, has saved hundreds of lives in Ghana month

The emphasis of today’s edition is “Akyeke,” a local delicacy in Ghana that is very affordable and available throughout the day. For the Nzema people in Ghana’s Western Region, “Akyeke” is an essential food.Tilapia, sliced cucumber, sliced tomato, and ground pepper are added as garnishes to akyeke.The name can be spelled in a variety of … Read more

3 qualities that make women fall for men without even trying

Women have been stereotyped throughout history as being the more sentimental and emotional gender, while men have always been the focus of their love.We all have preferences when it comes to what we find beautiful in a mate, despite the fact that many individuals would like to reject the importance of attraction in human contact.While … Read more

If A Man Does These 10 Things, He Really Respects You

Are you in a new relationship and wondering if you’re being treated the way you truly deserve? The question is a common one because it’s all too easy to turn a blind eye to disrespectful behaviour when you’re in the grips of lust, a tad infatuated, or feel like you’re falling in love. However, it’s just … Read more