Home Remedy For Cancer Treatment

There is no scientific evidence that any home remedy can cure cancer. However, there are some herbs and supplements that have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. These include: Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, a compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Curcumin has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in laboratory studies. … Read more

Teeth Whitening – Top 10 Myths

Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dentistry procedure used to lighten or whiten the shade of the teeth.  Every year thousands if not millions of people combine to spend over $10 billion on cosmetic teeth whitening procedures. If you are thinking of getting your teeth whitened, you should first see your dentist to check your … Read more

Natural Remedies for Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that affects many women, especially those who have reached menopause. It can cause discomfort, itching, and pain during intercourse, and it can also increase the risk of vaginal infections. While there are medical treatments available for vaginal dryness, natural remedies can also be effective. In this blog post, we … Read more

6 Foods You Should Eat Once a Day

There are lots of little things you can do each day to help your body stay healthy in the long term. Exercising, staying hydrated, and eating healthy are all ingredients to a healthy lifestyle! Eating healthy can be difficult but once you get into the routine, it is extremely rewarding, and better yet, it can actually … Read more

Guava: Strong Antioxidant Food for Your Immune System

Guava is a type of fruit that is native to tropical regions like Central and South America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Also known as Psidium guajava, which is the guava scientific name, this tropical fruit is also loaded with important nutrients. Guavas have been dubbed the “ultimate superfood” and are widely considered one of the top antioxidant … Read more

THE SWEET POISON: How Sugar Kills You Slowly

Sugar is a sweet and addictive substance that is commonly found in many of the foods we eat today. From sweetened drinks to processed snacks, sugar has become a staple in our diets. However, excessive consumption of sugar can have devastating effects on our health. In this blog post, we will explore how sugar kills … Read more

Top 11 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

One out of three American adults has high blood pressure. And millions of us take drugs for it. But blood pressure medications often don’t work well. And the side effects can be nasty. They include headaches, nausea, fatigue, and sexual problems in men. On top of that, they increase your risk for pancreatic and skin … Read more

10 Processed Foods that Will Slowly Kill You

Most people nowadays have heard about the dangers of processed and “fast” foods, including the risks for obesity, heart disease and diabetes.  10 Processed Foods that Will Slowly Kill You However, even among the world of processed foods, there are some dishes that are so high in fat and calories that they should be specifically … Read more